Saturday, September 4, 2010

Casted Bunions

In the yahoo group bunion-hammertoes, there is a photo album called "casted bunions and bunions" featuring an assortment of pictures, my favorite of which I have reposted here.

I love how tremendously huge her casts are; big toe spicas are my favorite kind of cast accessory and I love how cartoonishly big the soft cast makes them in this pic. Her toes and big toe tips push through all that padding to be seen - such a cute look.

This poor foot with a significant bunion, causing her second toe to overlap her big toe slightly, looks like it's been pretty badly smashed. the cast is super tight with her bunion pushing out the side and her toes look very badly bruised - perhaps broken The side view shows how her toes have twisted and stick wider than the cast.

Again, the big bunion sticking outside of the cast. It looks like she's trying to splay her stiff little hammertoes. And who doesn't love green casts?

The toe-plate on this cast displays her bunion and toes perfectly. See how swollen and bruised her foot is in the top picture - all her toes are all plump and discolored from her broken bones.

from this angle you can see how big the bunions are and the twist and overlap of the big toe. This poor big toe is strapped with medical tape, the whole front of her foot sticking out of the cast which looks as if it could never contain her bunion.


  1. Yes, I like to see the toes of my wife in your blog. In the meantime the bunion has already grown, the big toe is now more dislocated, we are casting the feet every week in the evening to play with them...Fritz

    1. Wow thanks for sharing the pix! which one is her? anywhere people can check out more?

  2. hi
    im having bunion surgery on the 22nd and im really scared, can u please give me some tips on how u got ur self ready what should i do befor and after the surgery.
    my foot like ur will be in a cast. this is my first surgery in life and ive never broken a bone and had to have a cast.
    what should i do anything is welcome but plz make it positive as im scared enough.
    thanks so much AJ
